

Most Common Rats

Roof rats nest in the upper parts of the home, such as attics and rafters. Their body length is up to eight inches. Pack rats have a tail that is smaller than their head and body length and measure about eight inches including the tail. They avoid human contact, but come inside in the fall when their food sources run low.


Store firewood as far from the home as possible. Remove debris such as stones or bricks stored near the foundation of the house to prevent rats from nesting there and then invading your home.

Seal any hole or crack larger than one-fourth of an inch. Inspect your home and seal holes or cracks by stuffing them with steel wool, them caulking or foaming them shut. Otherwise, rats will chew through the sealant to get inside. Install thick weather stripping to the bottom of all doors.

Rats in the Home

Rats are wary of any changes to their environment, which can make control measures like traps and bait take a while to be effective. Also, since they like to nest in attics, inside walls and under concrete, they are hard to reach.

Even one rat can pose a serious threat to your family by carrying diseases and bringing parasites like fleas and ticks into the home.

Getting Professional Help

If you cannot prevent rats from entering the home, you should get professional help right away. Keep your family safe and call someone experienced in rodent extermination.